Learning about who refugees are, their experiences, and how U.S. resettlement works can feel daunting — but it doesn’t have to! No matter where you are in your journey of learning about refugees, there are a variety of ways to expand your knowledge. 

Exodus World Service representatives are trained and available to speak to your church or group. Presentations and workshops can be geared for your classroom, small group, youth group, church congregation, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, missions fair or other community gathering. See the opportunities below or contact us to create a custom presentation. 

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Learning Activities​

Engaging with Refugees: Cross-Cultural Training

Target Audience: Adults, College

Duration: 3 hours

This training offers in-depth learning and activities to broaden a volunteer’s understanding of who refugees are and how they get to the U.S., as well as what help they receive when they arrive. Learn about different cultures, how to navigate cross-cultural communication and friendship, and how to get involved with Exodus. This training, which prepares volunteers to engage with refugees, is a prerequisite for New Neighbor volunteers but is open to everyone. Register here for an upcoming live training event, or contact us to schedule a training event for your group.

Refugee Journey Simulations​​

Target Audience: Middle and High School, College, Adults

Duration: 1.5 hours

In this interactive simulation, your group will take on the roles of refugees forced to flee their homeland, making tough decisions along the way. This immersive experience engages participants through compelling true stories and discussion questions. Follow in the steps of a refugee. Learn more here.

Faith-Based Conversations on Welcoming the Stranger

Target Audience: Adults

Duration: 1.5 hours

A conversation led by an Exodus staff member on the process of U.S. immigration and our shared Biblical values of caring for the stranger among us. After an educational time, small groups explore how faith informs our response to welcoming the stranger. This is an excellent program for local churches to sponsor together. Email jody.may@exodusworldservice.org for more information.

Updates on Refugee Resettlement

Target Audience: Adults

Duration: 30 minutes

The landscape of refugee resettlement is rapidly changing. This brief presentation helps clarify what has changed, explain how Exodus is responding, and offer opportunities to meet urgent needs and walk beside recently resettled refugee families and individuals in Chicagoland.
Email jody.may@exodusworldservicec.org for more information.

Loving Your Neighbor

Target Audience: Children and Adults Together 

Duration: 1 hour 

This interactive presentation for a multi-generational audience helps kids and adults gain a better understanding of the experience of being a refugee. After hearing stories and firsthand accounts, your group will learn what it means to offer friendship and practical care to those who were forced to
flee their homelands and have been resettled in America. 
Email jody.may@exodusworldservice.org for more information.

Pen & Paper Simulation (in-person or virtual)

Target Audience: Middle and High School, Adults

Duration: 30 – 40 minutes

This story-driven simulation gives participants the chance to learn and think about what refugees experience when fleeing war and persecution in their homeland. An Exodus facilitator will guide your group to understand the complex refugee journey. What will you bring? Who will you encounter? What life-changing decisions will you make? The activity ends with a debrief and reflections on the choices made.
jody.may@exodusworldservice.org for more information.

Kids Education Program

Target Audience: Elementary and Middle School

Duration: 20 minutes

This program introduces students to refugees in an interactive and engaging experience. As they learn about refugees and hear firsthand accounts, students will encounter what it means to be empathetic neighbors and friends to those who have fled their homes and started a new life in the United States. This program can be paired with an organized service project or fundraiser. It can also be adapted for faith-based audiences at Kids Chapel Programs or Vacation Bible School settings. For more information please email carissa.zaffiro@exodusworldservice.org.

Reading Activities​

Who Is My Neighbor? What the Bible Says About Refugees​

Target Audience: Individuals, small groups, congregations

Duration: 4 weeks

This free Bible study is idea for individuals, small groups or entire congregations. The four-week study includes true refugee stories, an in-depth study of what the Bible says about refugees, and thought-provoking discussion questions. Challenging yet accessible, this study is ideal accompaniment to a sermon series or as a follow-up to a one-day focus on refugees. Click the here to download the Bible Study today! 

Reading Lists

Target Audience: Children, young adults, adults

You can better understand the refugee experience by reading firsthand accounts of refugees and learning about the complexity of issues surrounding displacement. People of all ages can begin to learn about refugees. Browse three lists of recommended books, one each for young children, kids ten and up, and adults. View reading lists here

Other Opportunities

World Refugee Sunday

Target Audience: Churches

Timeframe: Any Sunday in June

Each year, churches around the world observe World Refugee Sunday in June—a beautiful moment to bring awareness of God’s heart for refugees. Exodus can provide speakers, sermon outlines, sample prayers, slideshows, videos, activities, and more to help educate your community on this important topic. To learn more about how your church or family can participate, or to request free resources, click here or or contact info@exodusworldservice.org.

Custom Service Projects & Vision Trips​

Target Audience: Groups

There are many additional ways to engage your group in refugee ministry. From specialized collection drives to vision trips in the refugee community, Exodus will design an opportunity to meet your needs.
Email jody.may@exodusworldservice.org for more information.