Refugees need to know they are not alone! A volunteer can make a profound difference in the life of a refugee.
A refugee’s fleeing is sudden and unplanned. In order to save their lives, they leave behind family, friends, homes, belongings, jobs and everything that is familiar. Refugees start their lives over in the U.S. with next to nothing and face the difficult challenge of learning a new culture and language. What’s more, refugees’ deepest wounds are often emotional. Even after reaching safety in the U.S., many refugees still struggle with fear and loneliness. They need welcome, friendship and a place to belong.
The Pack and New Neighbor programs below, as well as Heidi’s House, address these very issues.
In the last year over 500 refugee families were welcomed to Chicagoland by Exodus volunteers. Volunteers help provide essential supplies to these newcomers, practice English conversation skills, and walk beside refugees in their new community–easing the loneliness and isolation experienced by so many refugees.
Provide a Pack
When refugees arrive in the U.S., starting over from scratch is daunting. Through these Pack programs, volunteers can make a huge difference by providing essential supplies, food, and most especially, a warm, personal connection.
Ethnic Grocery
Care Pack
You can meet a newly arrived refugee family and deliver a care pack of culturally appropriate foods that offer a comforting taste of home (see the list). Collect a range of produce, meats, and staple foods and deliver them within a week of the refugee family’s arrival.
Refugee families don’t have their normal community of family and friends around them to help welcome a new baby. You can bless refugees by collecting and/or delivering much needed items such as clothing, blankets, diapers and baby wipes to families that are expecting a new arrival. (See the list.)
You can help to provide a refugee family with useful household supplies as they rebuild their lives in the U.S. Delivered by volunteers, these essentials provide families with extra support along with a neighborly visit that blesses refugees and volunteers alike (See the list).
All Packs are delivered to refugees living in the Chicagoland area.
Become a New Neighbor
When you become a New Neighbor, you are helping to ease the loneliness and isolation that many refugees experience when moving to a new country. These programs work to address cultural hurdles, such as language, academics, and citizenship, but also pave the way for beautiful, mutual friendships.
New Neighbor
Visit a newly arrived refugee family once a week for three months. This is a hands-on way to "welcome the stranger” in our midst. Volunteers and refugees have the opportunity to build bridges of understanding, cross-cultural learning and friendship. Volunteers answer basic questions about life in the U.S., help refugees practice their English and introduce them to their community.
New Neighborfor Youth
Adult volunteers visit weekly for three months with an elementary, middle, or high school student, coordinated with Exodus and the child's parents. Volunteers help increase academic skills and confidence through fun activities, and partner with refugee parents on how to support their child's learning. Resource guides are provided.
New Neighbor Conversations
This program connects refugees with native English speakers to improve refugees’ conversational English and to build relationships in the process. Volunteers commit to a three-month partnership with a refugee. Conversation partners meet weekly in the refugee's home at a mutually agreed upon time.
New Neighbor Citizenship
Refugees are eligible to apply for citizenship after residing in the U.S. for five years — an exciting milestone in their resettlement. In this program, volunteers commit to meet with a refugee once per week for three months in order to help them learn about American history, civics, and English in preparation for the citizenship exam.
All New Neighbor opportunities are in Chicagoland or DuPage County.
Engaging with Refugees: Cross-Cultural Training is provided before becoming a New Neighbor.
Serve at Heidi's House
In this video you can see some of the ways volunteers are showing refugees they are not alone.
Heidi’s House, named after one of Exodus’ cofounders, is a gathering place for refugees and volunteers in Wheaton, Illinois.
There are many ways you can connect with refugee neighbors. Current groups include, English Conversation, Homework Help, Moms and Tots, Watercolor Painting, Teens, Knitting and Crocheting, Computer Skills, Citizenship—or suggest a new group idea to the Exodus team!
You can volunteer with a group or as an individual, serving weekly, monthly, or for a special event. Contact us to learn more!
Custom Activities & Events
There are many ways to walk alongside refugees, and volunteers bring unique visions and skillsets that go beyond the options above.
Custom service activities and events can be created especially for you! Connect with us today to start a conversation.