Sardar: God's Good Plan

Before the Taliban gained power in Afghanistan, Sardar was a doctor with a thriving medical practice. He and his family were living a good life. But everything changed when the Taliban began targeting professionals, including doctors. A colleague of Sardar’s was brutally murdered at the clinic where he worked. 

Two days later, members of the Taliban forced their way into Sardar’s home in the middle of the night. For over an hour terror and violence reigned. The family would never be the same. 

“I cannot talk about that night or I will cry,” he says. When morning broke, the family fled to India to stay alive.

Yet, in India, the family still had no home country. After many years, their hopes soared when the U.S. government invited them to resettle legally in Chicago. “I thank God that He had a plan for my family,” Sardar said. “It was a plan to help us rebuild our lives.”

Exodus introduced Sardar’s family to Jody, her husband, Brett, and their children Kailyn and Dylan. As New Neighbor volunteers, Jody, Brett and their kids visited Sardar’s family regularly, helping them adjust to life in America. 

“The biggest problem for a refugee is loneliness,” Sardar said. “When we had to flee our country, we left our family and friends behind. We are starting over without knowing anyone.”

“Mostly we just spend time together,” said Jody. “Sardar’s wife is a great cook and we enjoy sharing meals. We are blessed by our friendship with Sardar’s family,” Jody said. “Things we see on the news in distant lands have become personal to us. We’ve grown in compassion and in gratitude for our country and the freedoms we have.”

“We are thankful to be in America now,” Sardar said. “The help from volunteers was part of God’s good plan!”

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